Legal information

1. Legal notice:

The publisher, owner, and person responsible for publication is: Ets Debray
The contact address is:
The phone number is: 03 74 41 18 94
The main activity carried out is: Fabrication de moules et modèles (2573A)
The company's address is: 8 les Alouettes, 62223 Saint-Nicolas
The company's SIRET number is: 478 003 312 00012

The host of the site is: LWS – 2 rue Jules Ferry, 88190 Gobley – France
The SIRET number of the host is: 450 453 881 00028

The website was created by: Webevolis
The address of the Webevolis site is:
The contact address of Webevolis is: contact[at]

2. Principle and presentation:

The term User refers to any internet user connecting to and using the named site:
The term Publisher refers to the owner and person responsible for the site and its publications: Ets Debray.
The website is designed as a showcase site to present the company's services and activities. It is intended to provide general and detailed information about the company, its services, and its activities. It is important to note that the information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and may be subject to change.
Although the Publisher strives to provide the most accurate information possible on the site (subject to changes made since their online publication), it cannot guarantee the truthfulness, completeness, and timeliness of the information shared on the site. Consequently, the User acknowledges using this information under their sole responsibility.

3. Management of personal data:

In France, personal data is also protected by Law No. 78-87 of January 6, 1978, Law No. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, Article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code, and the European Directive of October 24, 1995.
On the site, the Publisher only collects personal information (according to Article 4 of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978) about the User for the need of certain services offered by the site The User provides this information knowingly, especially when they proceed to register it themselves.
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 38 and following of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to information technology, files, and freedoms, every user has the right to access, modify, delete, and oppose personal data concerning them. To exercise this right, they can send their request to Ets Debray via email to the following address: ou par courrier dûment signé, accompagné d’une copie de sa pièce d’identité portant sa signature, en précisant l’adresse à laquelle la réponse doit être envoyée.
No personal information of the User of the site will be published without their knowledge, transferred, exchanged, sold, or given on any medium to third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Only the scenario of the acquisition of the site and its rights allows the Publisher to transmit said information to the potential buyer, who would in turn be obliged to respect the same obligation of conservation and modification of the data with respect to the User of the site
The databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998, transposing Directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996, on the legal protection of databases.

4. Use of cookies:

We do not actively set cookies on the site However, it is possible that technical cookies are used for essential functionalities of the site, such as session management or maintaining the User's preferences. These cookies are necessary to ensure the optimal functioning of the site and are not used for tracking Users or collecting personal data.
We recommend that Users consult their browser settings for more information on cookie management. Detailed instructions are usually available in the official documentation of browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.) or on specialized sites like Disabling certain cookies may affect the functionality of the site.

5. Intellectual Property:

The Publisher is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights and holds the usage rights for all the elements accessible on the site, whether they be texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, software, or even the structure, etc.
Any total or partial reproduction of the site, any modification, representation, publication, total or partial adaptation of any of its elements, regardless of the means or process used, is entirely prohibited, unless prior written authorization from the site's Publisher, Ets Debray, at the following email address: sdebray@debray-moulage.frWithout the Publisher's authorization, it will be considered as constituting an infringement and may be subject to legal proceedings in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

6. Crédits:

This site uses photographs from: – Pixabay CC0, sous licence Creative Commons Zero and – Pngtree, sous licence

7. Accessibility:

The website is normally accessible to the User 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in case of interruption, scheduled or not, for reasons of force majeure or for maintenance operations. In case of inability to access the service, the Publisher commits to do its utmost to restore access to the service and will inform the User in advance of the dates and times of the intervention. The Publisher, being subject only to an obligation of means, cannot be held responsible for any damage, of any nature, resulting from the unavailability of the service.

8. Hyperlinks:

The website that you are using contains a number of hyperlinks to other sites (information, partners, etc.) set up with the agreement of the Publisher. However, the Publisher is in no way able to control all the content of the sites thus visited and therefore declines any responsibility for the potential risks of illegal content.

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